Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I am inspired by some friends who have and are enriching their lives by going RAW. I do not intend to go RAW 100 percent, but I am starting with breakfast, and snacks. My goal is to just live and eat clean. I want to be untainted, and pure. I want to feel wholesome and proud, but most importantly, comfortable. I want to love life more, and contaminate my children with this zest.

I will be heading to my local Farmers Market on Thursday and will be purchasing some "transitional" goods. I will start out with some light green smoothies, and I'll decide my goal and target from there.

Exercise is also a constant practice, but definitely needs some fine tuning. I will be purchasing a bike next month, so I am thrilled with anticipation. As a teenager and child, bike riding was my number one hobby. My dad dragged me up hills and mountains, but through the course of high school and beyond, I have lost touch with my familiar friend.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Chris. :)

Sparklinbecks said...

Aw I love your blog!! Thanks for linkin me!